GET OUT OF THE DAMN ROAD! I am so tired of these ferel children running around, laying in streets, cursing at us, throwing their cigarette butts all over the place in our neighborhood!
Next time you lay in the road in a group, at night, in the pitch dark I am NOT going to wait patiently while you slowly move one foot, stretch, move the other foot... roll your eyes... and eventually, like 4 minutes later get the FUCK out of the street. You are in the road. Next time I'm just going to drive. If you get run over, that's on you. You're laying IN THE STREET. idiots.
I enjoyed my girlfriend's description of her entrance into the neighborhood. Getting yelled at after she endured the above described scenario. YOU are going to have a hard time in life. What's even MORE sad is that it's quite obvious what kind of kids these are... they're the ones that don't DO anything. No extra curriculars, no jobs... just lazing around with sharpie pens writing cuss words on playground equipment. AWESOME!
I will be going to bed dreaming of the thudthud thudthud my vehicle will make next time I encounter your little gaggle of idiots.
I love the idea of taking their pictures and posting it on the HOA web site. We have a FB page for our neighborhood, and some people posted pics of idiots at the playground. It actually has calmed down. :)